Sunday 26 June 2016

Relationship rule#3-Say what you actually mean

If i give you a reason which will make u heart break, and if you are intelligent enough. You will realize that it is bullshit as a reason to what I am saying you now.

What am I trying to do by saying something like this? Most of the couple uses such tactics to break-ups. Which leads other partner to believe that all my good side which attracted the other half on first instant, is now not good anymore... even are working as my negative points. Can call it out as "Reason to spoil a beautiful dream".

The person who is getting rejected will start loosing itself in this process and will hate all those good qualities, just cz the partner has mentioned them as a reason to break it up with you.

Don't do that.. speak out your heart.. tell the truth.. In this process dont make other person feel bad about him/her self...

Everyone has certain characteristics which can be or cannot be compatible with others. Doesn't mean they are wrong/bad qualities.   

You are an Individual.. who just happened to face something from someone out of that person's own frustration. Many times people judge you with their influences and  past experiences. It doesn't mean at all.

The best approach can be only a honest communication. something which is true, believe me "The person listening to you knows your heart better then you are acting to be".

Life is short, and finding someone you feel happy & complete with them is all matters. Rest is just a struggle to survive :)

By- Kalpana  

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