Tuesday 2 August 2016

Life management #3 -Let go to move on

If i tell you that you love ur sadness more then ur happiness.... you may feel surprised but thats the truth... when we are sad we are too much into the emotions that we start loving that stage... while when you are happy you dont celebrate it more then few hours or days.. even for many things you take just few minutes to celebrate the good thing happened to you... and you just look forward for something better then what just happened..

But somehow we dont treat our downs of life in similar way..people  can keep on talking about something bad happened to them.. and will make themselves feel again bad even after years..

Rejection,failure are part of the game call "Life".. you have given your 100% to make something work...to become more beautiful and succeed..... Thts it u r done... even after it u face a rejection.. its not anymore something to think upon..  you will get whatever is meant to be thr.

Try hard till you feel after this point i wont feel "I wish I could hv tried it"...

Life is small.... its just date,time,day &night... just numbers which keep changing...  make each day count by being positive and happy... just let go whatever makes u feel unworthy..😊😊😍👍✌

Sunday 26 June 2016

Relationship rule#3-Say what you actually mean

If i give you a reason which will make u heart break, and if you are intelligent enough. You will realize that it is bullshit as a reason to what I am saying you now.

What am I trying to do by saying something like this? Most of the couple uses such tactics to break-ups. Which leads other partner to believe that all my good side which attracted the other half on first instant, is now not good anymore... even are working as my negative points. Can call it out as "Reason to spoil a beautiful dream".

The person who is getting rejected will start loosing itself in this process and will hate all those good qualities, just cz the partner has mentioned them as a reason to break it up with you.

Don't do that.. speak out your heart.. tell the truth.. In this process dont make other person feel bad about him/her self...

Everyone has certain characteristics which can be or cannot be compatible with others. Doesn't mean they are wrong/bad qualities.   

You are an Individual.. who just happened to face something from someone out of that person's own frustration. Many times people judge you with their influences and  past experiences. It doesn't mean at all.

The best approach can be only a honest communication. something which is true, believe me "The person listening to you knows your heart better then you are acting to be".

Life is short, and finding someone you feel happy & complete with them is all matters. Rest is just a struggle to survive :)

By- Kalpana  

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Relationship rule #02- To be happy couple learn to be a true single

What do we mean by a Happy Couple?

The one who reach to the solution to any conflict ASAP with a win-win approach. And the one who standing as a partner for lifetime.

We can see many of the couple are facing this issue now. People are too dependent on each other from emotional aspects. You both are two different individuals who have their own way to look and deal with any given situation. Expecting your other half to behave same way like you can lead towards conflicts in long run.

Many times people try their best to fit into their partner's shoes but get bored and irritated after a point. Then you see that other partner is becoming clingy or nagging for  things.

Why does it happen?
Its all cz people tend to get influence by the things happening around and wana have a partner just cz their friend has one. While these relations doesn't go for long run most of the time. Still you create that emotional space permanently which makes u to be with someone every time.

Now when you have a permanent space created for certain expectations, you cannot handle if you partner couldn't meet ur expectations for a limited time. Which leads to over thinking and mainly negative thoughts and insecurity in your mind and makes ur partner feel cheese off u..

Thats why if you wana lead the life as happy couple you should first learn to stay as a TRUE SINGLE...

What does it mean?

Find out ur spark.. which can be strongest then any bond around. Learn to spend and love ME TIME without feeling petty on urself. let other individual also have that personal space and respect for the same. Being single can help you in boosting your self esteem and confidence to live ur life on ur own. it also help u to enjoy ur relationship when you fall into as u will never get bored of each other (cz you are not so much available to anyone).

Just a thought and analytics on the situation seen around. It may differ in certain exceptional cases..

Kalpana Sharma

Sunday 29 May 2016

Relationship rules #01-Dont leave ur partner alone

It has been observed that after a point one of the two feel he/she should walk out of it.
Relationship is a partnership, where you enter with your partner in this "Ring". You both are equally responsible for its stage. Whether it's a happy or a sad status. Don't leave your partner alone in the ring and walk out of it. It will make him/her feel confused or petty on themselves without any reason.

For any healthy relationship it is important to stand with your partner in any adverse situation. To change your partner but first change your self.

And if you don't have these all qualities, better never get into it. Believe me the one who dump the partner will have guilt in coming years but the one who has suffered from this will be free from any guilt and a high chance to get better option in life.

Life is about to see beauty in small small things, not in going into fairytale.

Don't be the reason for someone's anxiety, fear or emotionally imbalanced life.
