Tuesday 2 August 2016

Life management #3 -Let go to move on

If i tell you that you love ur sadness more then ur happiness.... you may feel surprised but thats the truth... when we are sad we are too much into the emotions that we start loving that stage... while when you are happy you dont celebrate it more then few hours or days.. even for many things you take just few minutes to celebrate the good thing happened to you... and you just look forward for something better then what just happened..

But somehow we dont treat our downs of life in similar way..people  can keep on talking about something bad happened to them.. and will make themselves feel again bad even after years..

Rejection,failure are part of the game call "Life".. you have given your 100% to make something work...to become more beautiful and succeed..... Thts it u r done... even after it u face a rejection.. its not anymore something to think upon..  you will get whatever is meant to be thr.

Try hard till you feel after this point i wont feel "I wish I could hv tried it"...

Life is small.... its just date,time,day &night... just numbers which keep changing...  make each day count by being positive and happy... just let go whatever makes u feel unworthy..😊😊😍👍✌